Systems Development

We Put Systems Development in Place

With a world of choices to choose from, making the right choice gets more challenging with each decision. Understanding the long-term effects of those decisions is WH Consulting’s commitment to you. We believe in leaving all of our clients more knowledgeable, coached, and informed. This is imperative to building a company in line with your business. 

Building Systems that Make it Easier for You to Run Your Business

Most small businesses have two choices. The first choice is to choose an off-the-shelf software and try to figure it out with emails of questions, chat sites, and forums of other people who may have the same roadblocks. Or, you can hire someone you cannot afford who will get paid whether their practices work for your company or not. Regardless, you are left playing Russian roulette with your company. WH Consulting realizes that you are in business for yourself because you have a passion, a talent, or sometimes just a lack of desire to work someone else’s job. We are experts at building systems that make it easier for you to run your business. We guarantee it. 

Key Performance Indicators (KPI),

Using Key Performance Indicators (KPI), we can place a wealth of information in your hands in the form of reports and visual aids that will help you keep track of the company’s heartbeat. WH Consulting has built out hundreds of KPIs and reduce them to a few reports that take minutes to read and seconds to make adjustments and calibrate. We call these reports, The Hue Reports. You see analytics on your business in green, yellow, and red colors. 

  • Green is Go. No problems. The numbers are in line with good performance and company profit.
  • Yellow is Calibration. The numbers are not at prosperity, but they are not terrible either. It requires us to adjust, call some audibles, and correct the situation before it gets worse.
  • Red is Problems. If you have reports in the red, it means that whatever calibration you did is not working, and something needs to be changed immediately to keep the company from remaining in a losing state.
Office Teamwork — Suwanee, GA — WH Consulting

We Help Save You Time and Money and Give You Peace of Mind

WH Consulting calibrates these parameters initially and defines Good, Bad, and Ugly. We place contingency plans in place so that “Sad Surprises” will not be a feeling you will experience. Let us help you make these choices. We do the research, Alpha/Beta test the system, and aid or lead the application's install. We are saving you time, money, and, most of all, headaches. You are already a master at what you do; let us as be the masters of what we do to help you streamline your business.

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